Ad Spend Shifts & Digital Disruption: What the NYT’s Woes Mean for Agencies and Martech

Danny Burke, MBA
2 min readFeb 9, 2024


Image Source: DALL-E

The New York Times’ struggles with decreased advertiser investment offer a window into the tightening of paid media budgets across industries as reported by DIGIDAY. The ripple effects could lead to another wave of layoffs and reshuffling within advertising agencies. These circumstances underscore the imperative for brands to leverage their owned media properties and invest in the right martech solutions to maximize marketing spend.

The Rise of Owned Media as an Ad Spend Sanctuary

While paid media channels feel the squeeze, brands have an opportunity to double down on their websites, apps, email lists, and other owned channels. This necessitates not just content creation but a strategic view of how owned media assets provide measurable results, driving acquisition, engagement, and long-term loyalty.

Breaking Down Silos: The Marriage of Paid and Owned Media

Historically, paid and owned media teams have often operated separately. The evolving landscape mandates a unified approach. This means:

  • Unified Measurement: Breaking down data silos to understand where paid media initiatives drive traffic to owned platforms and how owned assets can nurture conversion for paid campaigns.
  • Seamless Journeys: Aligning paid messaging with owned content, ensuring a consistent user experience regardless of how a consumer enters the brand’s sphere of influence.

The Martech Advantage: Unlocking Data-Driven Optimization

To optimize ad spend in this evolving environment, brands need the right technology in place. This goes beyond the usual suspects of ad bidding platforms and includes solutions that:

  • Analyze Behavioral Data: Reveal explicit signals (newsletter signups, purchases) and implicit triggers (which articles a user reads, time on site) for highly targeted messaging across channels.
  • Orchestrate Dynamic Workflows: Design flexible automated journeys that respond to user behaviors in real time, whether that’s onboarding new customers, combating churn, or tailoring retention offers.
  • Personalization at Scale: Delivering content and recommendations uniquely relevant to each user, boosting engagement and loyalty.

Adapting to survive, Investing to Thrive

The New York Times’ challenges serve as a cautionary tale about the volatility of traditional advertising. It signals a tipping point for the industry for the foreseeable future. Adapting means understanding how paid and owned media function as a combined force. For agencies, this may require streamlining structures and services to address the needs of integrated data-driven marketing models and a strong understanding of a brand’s particular marketing mix model. Strategic brands who invest in martech solutions to orchestrate a seamless experience across all channels will have an advantage in a future built on audience understanding and dynamic personalization.



Danny Burke, MBA

Go-to-Market Marketing Analyst focused on innovating customer experience | Digital Marketing Transformation | Future of Retail | Army Veteran