New Year, New Resolutions: Boosting Sales and Brand Impact in Q5

Danny Burke, MBA
3 min readDec 11, 2023


Image Source: DALL-E

As the festive season’s excitement winds down, it’s the ideal moment to pivot towards sustaining that holiday energy into the new year with ‘Q5’ marketing. Q5, a strategy that effectively creates a ‘fifth quarter’ in the marketing year, extends Q4’s dynamic consumer spending momentum into the early months of the new year. This period is ripe with opportunities for marketers to innovate and keep their brands at the forefront, cleverly navigating the usual post-holiday downturn. By leveraging this concept, brands can maintain customer engagement and drive sustained sales well beyond the holiday season.

Data-Driven Personalization: The Key to Unlocking Post-Q5 Success

A recent study by McKinsey & Company found that personalized marketing campaigns can generate up to 5x the ROI of traditional campaigns.

This is particularly true in the post-holiday period when customers are more open to receiving relevant and targeted offers. By leveraging real-time data analytics to gain insights into post-Q5 consumer behaviors, brands can identify individual preferences and predict future needs. This allows for the creation of highly personalized marketing campaigns, both in terms of messaging and timing, that resonate deeply with each customer.

Klaviyo: A Powerful Platform for Personalized Communication

Klaviyo is a powerful platform that helps brands unlock the full potential of data-driven personalization. Its integrated SMS and email marketing capabilities, coupled with its advanced features like predictive analytics for customer behavior and segmentation tools, empower brands to create seamless customer journeys. A case study by Klaviyo found that Dollar Shave Club increased post-holiday subscriptions by 20% by using Klaviyo’s SMS capabilities to send personalized messages and offers based on individual customer purchase history.

Understanding Consumer Psychology Post-Holidays

The post-holiday period is a time when consumer mindsets are shifting. After indulging in increased spending during the festive season, many individuals are looking to reset and make positive changes in the new year. Understanding these shifting mindsets allows marketers to tailor their messaging accordingly. For example, according to a study by Nielsen, 81% of consumers are more likely to trust brands that are transparent about their sustainability practices. This suggests that highlighting the sustainability benefits of products or services can be an effective way to connect with customers post-holidays.

Leveraging Social Influence and the Principles of Persuasion

Incorporating insights from Robert B. Cialdini’s seminal work, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,” can further strengthen Q5 marketing strategies. Cialdini’s six principles of persuasion — reciprocity, scarcity, authority, social proof, liking, and commitment/consistency — provide a framework for crafting messages that influence customer behavior. For example, highlighting social proof through testimonials and reviews, leveraging the authority of industry experts, and creating a sense of scarcity through limited-time offers can all contribute to driving engagement and conversions.

Emerging Trends and Predictions for Q5 Marketing

Several key trends are shaping the future of Q5 marketing:

Omnichannel strategies: Providing seamless customer experiences across various channels, from email and SMS to social media and in-app experiences, will be crucial for engaging customers in the post-holiday period. A study by Accenture found that 73% of consumers prefer brands that offer omnichannel experiences.

Hyper-personalization: Leveraging AI and machine learning to personalize experiences further, down to individual customer preferences and purchase habits, will be essential for driving loyalty and conversions. According to a report by Salesforce, 66% of consumers expect companies to understand their individual needs and expectations.

Interactive content: Utilizing interactive formats like quizzes, polls, and augmented reality experiences can increase engagement and provide valuable data about customer preferences. A study by HubSpot found that interactive content is 2x more likely to be shared on social media than static content.

Live video and streaming: Live video platforms like Instagram Live and TikTok Live offer a powerful way to connect with customers in real-time, address their questions, and showcase products or services dynamically and engagingly. According to a report by LiveStream, 80% of consumers prefer watching live videos from brands over reading blog posts.

By leveraging the festive spirit and incorporating advanced technologies, data-driven personalization, and a deep understanding of consumer psychology, brands can transform the post-holiday Q5 period into a season of remarkable growth and lasting customer relationships. Implementing innovative strategies like hyper-personalized marketing campaigns, omnichannel experiences, and interactive content will drive engagement and loyalty, propelling brands forward well beyond the holiday season.



Danny Burke, MBA

Go-to-Market Marketing Analyst focused on innovating customer experience | Digital Marketing Transformation | Future of Retail | Army Veteran